What is the difference between functional and cosmetic Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that is used to rejuvenate the appearance of the eyelids. There are two main types of blepharoplasty: functional blepharoplasty and cosmetic blepharoplasty.
Functional blepharoplasty, also known as medical blepharoplasty, is performed to correct functional problems with the eyelids, such as excess skin, muscle, or fat that interferes with vision. This type of blepharoplasty is performed to improve the patient's vision and quality of life.
Cosmetic blepharoplasty, on the other hand, is performed to enhance the appearance of the eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle, or fat that causes puffiness or sagging. This procedure is considered an elective cosmetic surgery.
In some cases, both functional and cosmetic blepharoplasty can be performed together, especially if the excess skin, muscle, or fat is causing both functional and aesthetic issues. However, it's important to note that functional blepharoplasty is primarily focused on improving vision and is not intended to provide a cosmetic benefit, while cosmetic blepharoplasty is focused solely on improving the appearance of the eyelids.
Am I a candidate for Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is an option if you have:
- Droopy eyelids
- Excess skin of eyelids interfering with your peripheral vision
- Eye bags
Blepharoplasty is conducted for medical and cosmetic reasons, in many cases for both. The procedure targets buildup of excess skin, fat, and muscle around the eyes, and is best for people whose eyes tend to look puffy or saggy. Excess skin may impair your vision and may take away as much as 30% of your peripheral vision.
If you look into the mirror and see that parts of your eyes iare covered by excess skin, if you have eye-bags looking puffy or saggy, consider Blepharoplasty.
Keep in mind, that if you meet people for the first time, the first thing they will most likely notice about you, are your eyes. This may be a scary thought if you are insecure about the way your eyes look. If you want to improve the appearance of your eyes, if you want to appear younger, Blepharoplasty may be the right procedure for you.
Are there risks in taking eye surgery?
All surgeries bear a certain risk. However, these risks can managed by an expert surgeon and by a clinic specialised in this procedure. I am conducting this ey-surgery very frequently and all my patients are happy with the results and have not had complications during or after the procedure. Eye surgeries, such as Blepharoplasty, Eye-bag removal, Eye-lid creation should only be done by professionals who are both, Ophthalmologists AND Plastic / Cosmetic Surgeons.
Is Rhinoplasty a simple Operation?
No! Rhinoplasty is a demanding operation, due to several factors. The nose is a complicated 3D shape that is in the center of the face. Very little changes, measured in millimeters, have a huge impact on how the nose looks and functions. For the surgeon, this leaves no margin for error. Therefore Rhinoplasty should only be conducted by an experienced cosmetic surgeon in a clinic specializing in cosmetic facial surgery.
AAC is such a clinic. We perform this procedure very frequently to the fullest satisfaction of our patients
How much does Rhinoplasty cost?
The cost for Rhinoplasty depends on a lot of factors. Each case is different and the price of the surgery depends on the complexity of the surgery. Every rhinoplasty surgery is unique and is customized to the specific needs of the patient. It is very important that the patient understands the differences. At AAC we take time to discuss the options with our patients and to come to the decision that suits our patients best.
Are there alternatives to a Face Lift?
A surgical face lift produces excellent results. However surgery is not attractive to everyone. We have a variety of options that help to achieve a more youthful look. This includes the use of Fillers and Injectables, as well as Mesotherapy and Thread Lifts.
How long does it take to heal after eye surgery?
You will be able to go home after the procedure, but as you hv been under local anesthesia, you should arrange for somebody to drive you.
Like most surgical procedures, removal of eye bags will cause some bruising and swelling. These effects are very mild and temporary.
You should rest for about one week. During that time the eyes will still be a little swollen.
Most patients are ready to go out into the public within two weeks. You may still have a little swelling or bruising, but these effects have subsided considerably around the two week mark.
After about six weeks you will have the final results. Eventually, the swelling will fade and the scars will be invisible. The results last for many years, in most cases even for a life time. Your eyes will be noticeably refreshed, alert and younger looking.
Do you do corrective Blepharoplasty?
Yes, we do. We are often contacted by patients who are not happy with the results of blepharoplasty surgery they have had in other clinics. They are asking if we can help them and do corrective surgery. In most cases we can, in some we cannot because the result cannot be reversed. The human eye is an extremely sensitive organ. It is important that surgery, such as blepharoplasty is conducted only by an expert ophthalmologist and cosmetic surgeon. Non of "our" patients had to undergo corrective blepharoplasty if the surgery had been done at our clinic
What is the difference between an Ophthalmologist and Optometrist?
An Ophthalmologist went to medical school. After that, they had a 1-year internship and a residency of 3 years. That's sometimes followed by a 1 to 2 years fellowship.
They offer complete eye care services:
Medical eye care -- for conditions like glaucoma, iritis, and chemical burns
Surgical eye care -- for trauma, crossed eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, and other problems
Diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions related to other diseases, like diabetes or arthritis
Plastic surgery -- to raise droopy eyelids or smooth out wrinkles
Optometrists take care of primary health care for the eye. After college, they spent 4 years in a professional program and got a doctor of optometry degree. Some optometrists get additional clinical training or complete a specialty fellowship after optometry school. They focus on regular vision care An Optometrist is not a medical doctor and cannot write prescriptions.
“How Much? “
This is probably the most frequently asked question we receive. But is it also the most important consideration when you select your surgeon?
The outcome of cosmetic surgery largely depends on the qualification and skills of the surgeon you choose.
Unfortunately, in the Philippines any licensed medical doctor is allowed to perform cosmetic surgery even without having undergone any special cosmetic surgery training. To achieve the best possible results and to avoid corrections and additional expenses at a later stage, the surgeon of your choice should be a certified cosmetic surgeon with experience in the procedure you undergo.
It is understandable that the surgery fee is a consideration, but keep in mind: The surgeons skills, experience and professional qualification should be your most important concern.